Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where's the $1?

Three men eat at a restaurant. The bill comes to $25. They each pay $10. When the waiter brings the $5 change they each take back $1 each and leave a $2 tip. So each man has paid $9, which totals $27. The waiter has the $2 tip, which makes $29, so where's the other $1 gone?

This is a mind boggling riddle that I was told when I was 13 years old and have got no idea where the $1 had gone for really long time. People like to lead others how they want other to perceive, think or react. Just like a magician, the trick is to make sure that s/he get the audience to look where s/he wants them to, just like a herd. Similarly, authors, writers, commentators almost everyone write, say in such a way that they want the audience to follow, believed their views and hence provide all the information that support their views and suppress the opposing ones.

"Believed nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

So where's the $1? The $27 the 3 men paid for the meal includes the $2 tips. So $3 (the $1 each men took back and not included) should be added to the $27 instead of double adding the $2 which is already in the $27.

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill."

Having said that, all authors, writers, broadcasters whose works are in contact with the mass public ought to know that they held great powers to influence many people with for their works. Hence if they choose the right words, they can motivate people to do good and if they uses the wrong words, they can incite violent and destruction to people's live. Even though the author claims the right to freedom of speech or quoted as one's perspective that need not be taken as factual, not everyone has the ability to differentiate an opinion from a fact which include the author him or herself before the Truth reviews.

"Every thing we see is a perspective. Every word we hear is an opinion"

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