Many heard of people that can speculate the market and made lots of money and hence attempt to do the same. On the other hand, many do lost a lot of money. Making money is what many people focus on when getting into trading. However, making money is the end result that is tied to certain processes along the way. To know one is successful in making money from trading, one just have to know whether the account grew or diminished. The account's result is directly dependent on the system that one develops to determine one's entry, exit points and sizing. The system, on the other hand depends on the rules that make up the system and finally the rules are a result of one's beliefs.
If one's account is growing consistently, it is most likely due to a good consistent system. And a good system must have good rules and good rules are due to having good consistent beliefs. On the other hand, if one's account is depleting very fast, it is most likely due to having no system which means no rules and hence no belief or rather adhoc beliefs that are most likely inconsistent.
I don't believe there are any poor beliefs as poor beliefs don't last long. However, I believe that not believing one's belief is the main problem of leading to poor inconsistent results.
Hence, for one to be successful in trading, one must first established a belief/s, convert it or them to rules, create the system of rules and CONSISTENTLY follow the system. The result will tell one whether to dismiss the belief or keep it, add new belief and test it, improving the rules and keep the system moving forward. Hence one just need to focus on continuously improving one's belief and rules and getting the system work and eventually the reward will appear.
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