Sunday, August 22, 2010


Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

My thoughts are that one's character plays a very important part in one's destiny. If One is timid, and never seek to change, the events that one will engage will likely to be more towards the safe side. To engage in risky task, timid person will feel very stressed. On the other hand, if one's character is towards the bold type, one will tend to engage in more risky things. To engage in safer task, a bold person will feel bored. Hence to be able to fully engage in one task or the other, one's character has to change. Anything outside of you can be change and when I say you, it means the soul. Hence your body obviously can be changed and everything that comes along with your body - emotions, character, thoughts, destiny etc.

Going back to what Einstein has to say, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is total insanity. Hence if one character does not break one to do different things, one's outcome i.e. Health, family, career etc will not change. So how can one change one's character?

An aggressive driver who kills a pedestrian and found out that the later is his beloved son, will that changed his character from being bold to timid next time he drive his car? The impact has to be severed in order to change one's character. Obviously, we would not want such things to happen. What about if a timid person who don't usually put a lot of money on stocks suddenly placed a big bet on a stock as recommended by a reliable friend and the stock quadruple in 6 months. Will she become bold in the next event. When accumulating events of engaging in risky task by a timid person, the later character will changed eventually. And of course if that event did not work out well and she got a big bite off, she will revert to her character back again.

So if you are not a sociable person and wants to be one, looked for a task that requires you to stand in front of a crowd and speak. Get out of your comfort zone, bring the treasure that is hidden inside you shines.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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