Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who am I

The purest thing in any space and time, nameless but known as the soul by man, moving from body to body seeking enlightenment and end sufferings.

Every new body I enter is pure and keeping the body pure is my sole responsibility. Everyone can experience the true soul nature by being on the day a baby is born. As the body ages, it will encounter many events that will form its base (i.e. How it react) depending on how the body's mind interpret the event. If it interpret the event as bad, it will have negative thoughts and vice versa. All thought will determine its destiny. Positive thoughts brings enlightenment closer. Every bad event has a silver lining to learn from and hence all events has something to positive to offer. One just has to see the positive nature of events happening to them. All events occurred purely to test which is the purest soul to be chosen for enlightenment.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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